
Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Fraction - Exercise 1

1. Shade in 5/8 of the following shape.
2. Mr. Yates, Ms. Luchow, and Mrs. Miller went to a pizza party. There was a pizza divided into 8 slices. They each had 1 piece of pizza. What is the fraction of the whole pizza that Mr. Yates, Mrs. Miller, and Ms. Luchow ate in all?
3. Which is more? 
a. 5/6 or 3/6_____ 
b. 1/2 or 1______
c. 1/2 or 1/4______
d. 1/6 or 2/3______ 
e. 3/4 or 2/8_____ 
f. 5/9 or 2/7_____

4.Write an equivalent fraction for each of the fractions below. 
a.1/2 = _______
 b. 2/6 = ______ 

 5. Write an explanation that proves that these two shapes have equal area .

Fraction - Learning Video

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Menghitung Volume Balok

Salah satu bangun ruang yang banyak kita temui dalam kehidupan sehari - hari adalah balok.
Perhatikan ruang kelas Anda, banyak benda yang berbentuk balok, seperti : Meja, papan tulis, penghapus, kotak kapur, dsb.
Begitu juga di rumah kamu, coba lihatlah bak yang berbentuk balok juga.
Tapi tahukah  kamu bagaimana cara menghitung volume benda - benda tersebut???
Untuk menghitung volume benda tersebut kita bisa menggunakan, kubus - kubus satuan.
Penasarankan??? Mau tahu caranya???
Let's Check it out and hope it useful :D

Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

Bilangan Prima dari 100 sampai 1000


Rabu, 14 Maret 2012


The Draft of task lecture Media Pembelajaran Berbasis ICT
Lecturers : Budi Mulyono, Dr.Somakim, Jaidan Jauhari
By : Circle Area Group
1. Dinal ‘Ulya
2. Rahma Siska Utari
3. Asia Kurniasari
4. Septi Maulina Sari
5. Okwan Wamancha
6. Desi Arisandi

A.Teacher Manual
Circle is the set of all points on the field within a certain distance, called the radius (r), from a certain point, called the center. The circle is an example of simple closed curves, dividing the field into the inside and outside.

Radius (r) is a straight line that connects the centre with a circle
Diameter (d) is the largest bow string whose length is twice the radius. It shares the same area of a circle diameter
Circumference (C) circumference of a circle is the longest arc on the circle

Area of circle can be calculated with the cut it up as an element of the cake and then reassembled into a rectangle whose width can be easily calculated.

If a rectangle has length (l ) and width (w) it has area A = lw
Supposing between circle area and rectangle area, leght is a half of circle circumference and width is a radius in circle.
Therefore, A = lw
A= 1/2(2πr)r
1. Teacher divides students into small groups, where one group consists of 3 people. This is so that students more easily understand and discuss in groups if there are explanations that are not understood. This also avoids a large group discussion for all students to be active in groups
2. In one group there is at least (minimum) 1 PC to facilitate part of the learning process.
3. Students are required to understand and to master and apply what they have learned.

B.Students Activity
1. Students make a circle with center O and radius r
2. Students can divide the circle into several equal parts (divided in 18 equal pie)
* Students know the corner of a large circle round (3600)
*Students can divide the angle into 18 sections and determine the amount of angle is obtained from the results for (3600 : 18= 200)
3. Students set the pie - pie circle into a rectangular shape
4. Students know the circumference of a circle formula
5.Students know the area of rectangle
6.Students can find area of circle with connect the circumference circle formula and the area of rectangle
7.Student find the area of circle.

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Inspiration Words This Week

Inspiration Words This Week...


"Man Jadda Wajada"

(Who serious will success)



"The future depends on what we do in the present"

Mahatma Gandhi


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds"
Albert Einstein


"Knowing is not enough, we must apply.
Willing is not enough, we must do"
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


"When the best things are not possible, the best may be made of those that are"

Richard Hooker


"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"

Wayne Gretzky


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover "

Mark Twain


"Thinking will not overcome fear, but action will"

W. Clement Stone


"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

Lao Tzu


"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place"

Nora Roberts


"Do what you can, where you are, with what you have."

Theodore Roosevelt


"You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be"

Lou Holtz

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

7KR ( 7 Keajaiban Rezeki )

Seminggu sudah buku ini berada ditangan saya, menarik banget bukunya, tapi anehnya kenapa saya belum menyelesaikannya >,< mungkin karena saya yang terlalu sibuk buat buang - buang dan foya - foya sama waktu ato mungkin waktu yang malah ga perduli dan mulai meninggalkan saya, (lebay, hehhe)... Alesan utama saya belum nyelesaiin baca ni buku, karena sang penulis berpesan, jangan berpindah ke bab laen kalo bab yang sedang kamu baca belum kamu lakuin, berhubung saya left brain dominan, jadi orang penurut dan ga radikal serta suka yang wajar - wajar aja, jadi saya ikutan aja, padahal jelas2 di sampul buku tertulis seri otak kanan. Itu malah yang bikin saya tambah penasaran, hehehe :P

Emang sih beberapa bulan terakhir ini saya agak sedikit lebih rajin membaca buku self - improvement, ga tau kenapa apakah terobsesi sama si Soehyun SNSD di acara reality show We Got Married,yang beneran bikin saya terkagum - kagum , sehingga dari rasa ga suka saya sama SNSD sekarang jadinya suka banget... #curcol sampe2 saya minta donlodan video n reality show mereka yang laen dari temen kakak2 dan mbak2 yang juga suka SNSD, hihihi... dan ikut2an soehyun juga baca buku pengembangan diri :D

Balik ke intinya, dari sekian banyak curcol dan kata2 saya diatas yang ngaro ngidul ga jelas ngomongin apa, satu kata yang saya sangat suka dari buku 7KR dari mas Ippho "Right" Sentosa adalah "miracle of sodaqoh". Setelah saya telaah dan saya cerna, ternyata betul bahwa salah satu rekening yang bisa meningkatkan profit dan saldo buat kebahagian dunia wal akhirat itu adalah sodaqoh lillahi ta'ala. Insya Allah deh kita bakalan kaya beneran dunia dan akhirat. Amin...

Dan kutipan laennya yang bikin saya tambah semangat lagi untuk menuju Right, dan ikutan golongan otak kanan adalah ketidakbisa penerimaan logika dan realistik dari otak kiri mengenai betapa ajaibnya bersedekah dan ibadah2 yang laen dalam islam, berhubung saya anak matematika, yang penuh instrik, teory, lemma, teorema dan logika dalam menghitung, tapi untu kali ini saya membenarkan kata - kata mas Ippho yang bilang kalau
10 -1 = 19 (manfaat sedekah)
1 + 1 = 27 (manfaat sholat berjamaah)
1 * 6 = 355 (manfaat puasa syawal)
waaaw so awesome bukan, oleh karena itu let's find 7 keajaiban rezeki kita buat hidup bahagia di dunia maupun di akhirat.

"Life is beautiful, Love is Wonderful, Giving is powerful"